Earn up to €16,62 per month recurring per sale as an exclusive partner

Build up a passive income now with our recurring commissions!

  • Attractive entry-level offer + high-conversion sale page
  • Above-average subscription duration with successful & satisfied customers since day 1 (2019)
  • Recurring 50% commission
  • Revolutionary mathematical betting strategy (no random hits) in combination with Artificial Intelligence
  • Even more commissions thanks to automated follow-up emails + cross-device tracking of the affiliate ID

How we support you as a partner

3 steps to your commission

Step 1

Create partner link

Step 2

Traffic & advertising material

Step 3

Collect commission

1. Create partner link

After a successful application for the affiliate program, you can easily create your personal affiliate link as a Digistore24 affiliate.

Your commissions are automatically collected and paid out!

Use the following links and simply replace "AFFILIATE" with your Digistore24 ID.

Sports Betting Insider - Book


"Trial period" - Asian Power Strategy


For optimal performance, copy the code and then use link shorteners such as bittly.com or bit.do

2. Traffic and Advertising resources

You can download our advertising materials (images, templates, etc.) and use them for advertising purposes.

  • 1. Find a suitable target group with an interest in "sports betting" or "making money" in Facebook Audience Insights and place a "Traffic" ad

    2. use suitable & eye-catching images like our templates for the target group

    3. tell your personal story/experience with the system and NO aggressive advertising or false promises

    4. shorten promolink

    5. always switch to new lookalike audiences and split test images/headline/description
  • - Find relevant Facebook groups (sports betting, making money, etc.)
    - In many public groups (advertising desired) you can choose the aggressive advertising path and place your promo links directly (see template)
    - In private groups, advertising is usually undesirable and only permitted in the context of meaningful contributions! Therefore the promolink is only added if there is interest.

    Public Facebook groups

    🔥Sports betting revolution🔥

    👉Discover how Julius was able to win €8845.17 in a short time with sports betting thanks to a clever betting strategy...

    ➡http://bit.ly/[Own promolink]

    What you can expect:

    ✅Daily & ever bigger winnings

    ✅No risk thanks to the hedging system

    ✅Simple & quick implementation

    Best of all: The whole thing can be repeated again and again and easily copied 1:1 without prior knowledge!

    ➡Start and implement immediately:http://bit.ly/[Own promo link]

    + select suitable image template

    Private Facebook groups

    🔥[NEW] Asian sports betting trick🔥

    👉Learn how to double your money risk-free with the help of an Asian betting method...

    ✅It works again and again

    ✅Everyone can use it without prior knowledge

    ✅The winnings get bigger and bigger

    ➡You can watch the video NOW for free!

    👉Just write "INFO" in the comments and find out how you too can benefit from this ingenious strategy!

    + select a suitable image template
    (If your post is now commented with "Info", you can reply to the respective comment with d
  • 1. Write a test report/experience report about the Asian Power Strategy or link to content relevant to the topic

    2. Tell how the product could help you and for whom it is suitable

    3. Use suitable images such as our templates and link directly to your individual promo link

    4. Share the post in the right groups, forums, etc.

    5. You can also send traffic from Facebook ads to the blog post
  • 1. Tell your email subscribers about the benefits of the Asian Power strategy and your positive experiences with it

    2. Insert your personal and previously shortened promo code

    3. Optionally you can also use our ready-made email templates and adapt them individually to your target group
  • 1. Create a video review about the product and mention how the product could help you and for whom it is suitable.

    NOTE: You may make a screencast video of the members area. The content of the videos in the members area may NOT be published.

    2. Insert your individual promo link in the video description and attached as a comment. You can also mention the link in the video as a CTA (call-to-action) on occasion.

    3. Use meaningful and eye-catching title descriptions & thumbnails for the video.

    4. Share the video link in relevant forums, groups, etc.
  • Grab the target group's attention with an exciting short video about your experience with the product.

    Then refer directly to the link to the sales page with a call-to-action.

3. Earn commissions

Every purchase via your promolink will automatically be paid out to you by Digistore24.

Our offer for you

Recurring 50% commission per sale (€16.62)

[NEW] Joint Venture partner wanted

Would you like to earn generously and in the long term from the most successful sports betting product on Digistore24?


Ideally, you have an existing community or reach with an interest in sports betting/football OR you enjoy being on social media and can help us create content.

If you are interested, simply send us an email to: [email protected]


Recommend our affiliate program to other affiliates and earn an additional 20% commission on their sales!

Referral link:


Simply replace the word "Affiliate" with your Digistore ID.
(You can find your Digistore ID at the top left of the Digistore24 dashboard)

As our partner, you should keep this in mind!

+18 Please play with responsibility

Sports betting is still a risk investment and we cannot guarantee profits and are not liable for losses.

Past successes are no guarantee of future profits. We cannot guarantee that you will achieve the same results. It could be more or less.

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